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There are 74 seventeen-letter words containing E, F, I, 2L, N and Yabsofreakinlutely absofuckinglutely abso-fucking-lutely autoreferentially boyfriend␣loophole butterfly␣children circumferentially coniferyl␣aldehyde cult␣of␣personality diferuloylmethane dimethyl␣disulfane enzymatic␣fuel␣cell eye-ringed␣flatbill family␣resemblance ferrimagnetically ferromagnetically five␣will␣get␣you␣ten fluoroalkylamines folk-etymologizing following␣the␣money formylglutathione fo␣shizzle␣my␣nizzle four-dimensionally fragrant␣water␣lily geoscientifically geranylflavonoids Himalayan␣field␣rat hungry␣like␣the␣wolf hydrofluoroolefin hyperflagellation interfollicularly intermyofibrillar interspecifically intraspecifically keep␣the␣flag␣flying learning␣diffculty level␣playing␣field ligand␣field␣theory lipoyltransferase metareferentially methylsulfenamide Mull␣of␣Kintyre␣rule Mull␣of␣Kintyre␣test my␣fellow␣Americans neurofunctionally nondifferentially nonpreferentially nonprofessionally nonscientifically Pennsylvania␣rifle played␣with␣oneself plays␣the␣skin␣flute polyfluoroolefins polyvinyl␣fluoride prescientifically profibrogenically resyllabification rhynchonelliforms Sea␣of␣Tranquillity self-deprecatingly self-sacrificingly sialyltransferase slaty␣bristlefront subdifferentially sulfanyloxazoline sulfonylfluorides sulfonyltriazoles sulfur-iodine␣cycle Sunda␣flying␣lemurs toothed␣jelly␣fungi transspecifically unselfconsciously wildlife␣sanctuary yellow-rumped␣finch
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 15 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 5 words
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 5 words
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