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There are 50 seventeen-letter words containing E, H, I, K, M, O and Talkoxymethylidene angiophakomatoses Azara's␣night␣monkey Champions␣tiebreak coming␣down␣the␣pike Czochralski␣method dehydroshikimates do␣someone␣like␣that Elmstone␣Hardwicke erythroleukaemias face␣without␣makeup Feldenkrais␣Method ferrotschermakite gumming␣up␣the␣works Heckman␣correction hemorrhagic␣stroke horizontal␣markets hydrombobomkulite hypercytokinaemia hyperketoacidemia immunocheckpoints karyomorphometric ketomethylenamine kinaesthesiometer kinanthropometric kinematographical kinesthesiometers knight␣of␣the␣hammer knock␣the␣persimmon like␣a␣moth␣to␣a␣flame make␣head␣nor␣tail␣of makes␣head␣or␣tail␣of mechanical␣stokers methyl␣vinyl␣ketone Milankovitch␣cycle monkey␣in␣the␣middle mountain␣chickadee move␣the␣yardsticks multistakeholders neurophakomatosis pharmacokinetical schlockumentaries Schottky␣anomalies sick␣to␣one's␣stomach Temiskaming␣Shores termination␣shocks thermoalkaliphile uniform␣antshrikes what␣are␣you␣smoking zhemchuzhnikovite
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- French Wiktionary: 25 words
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