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There are 67 seventeen-letter words containing E, I, K, R, S, T and Yabsofreakinlutely antihyperkinetics artificial␣kidneys Azara's␣night␣monkey Berkshire␣Hathaway blackberry␣winters books␣of␣prime␣entry bristly␣hawksbeard but␣seriously␣folks chrysanthemumlike country-fried␣steak cross-country␣skier currency␣cocktails dedikaryotisation dehydroshikimates electronic␣car␣keys empty␣stock␣working erythroleukaemias Frisby␣on␣the␣Wreake healthy␣worker␣bias here's␣looking␣at␣you hockey␣stick␣curves holy-water␣sprinkle hyperkeratinising hyperleukocytosis if␣only␣the␣tsar␣knew Inskip-with-Sowerby jockey␣for␣position ketohydroxyestrin keyboard␣distances key␣set␣identifiers leaky␣abstractions leukocytapheresis limbokeratoplasty lipokeratinocytes megakaryoblastoid move␣the␣yardsticks Mull␣of␣Kintyre␣test needlestick␣injury New␣York-style␣pizza nutty␣as␣a␣fruitcake nutty␣as␣a␣fruit␣cake oysters␣Kilpatrick parakeratocytosis Pinkerton␣syndrome pink␣panty␣droppers preprotachykinins prickly␣pear␣cactus r/K␣selection␣theory Rokitansky␣nodules snowy␣tree-crickets sprinkler␣strategy stock-gillyflowers stock␣ticker␣symbol stuck␣twin␣syndrome swan␣neck␣deformity sympathetic␣trunks tardive␣dyskinesia trialkylphosphine Tytsjerksteradiel unsystematic␣risks what␣are␣you␣smoking working␣hypothesis working␣the␣hyphens Yorkshire␣Terriers Yukon␣Standard␣Time zebra␣turkeyfishes
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 19 words
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