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There are 70 seventeen-letter words containing E, I, 2N, P, S and Xantiexpansionists antiexpressionist antiphenoloxidase baritone␣saxophone benzophenoxazines Cambrian␣explosion cofactor␣expansion counterexplosions counterexposition Cox's␣Orange␣Pippins critical␣exponents deoxyhypusination examination␣papers exceptionableness exception␣handlers exceptionlessness exclamation␣points expanded␣universes expansion␣adapters expansion␣turbines experimentalising explainifications explicit␣functions exponential␣decays expressing␣oneself express␣kidnapping external␣couplings fishing␣expedition gender␣expressions hyperoxygenations immunoexpressions incidental␣expense indecent␣exposures inexpressibleness Laplace␣expansions multiple␣expansion neurosporaxanthin nonextrapolations nonpenetrative␣sex operating␣expenses oxopentanoic␣acids penny␣in␣the␣fusebox personal␣exception phenoxaphosphines physician␣extender polyvinylsiloxane presentation␣boxes pseudoexonization pseudoextinctions pseudoxenodontids puts␣someone␣in␣a␣box reflexive␣pronouns science␣experiment separation␣anxiety sixteenpenny␣nails sixteen-penny␣nails sixteen␣penny␣nails subexponentiality Sudakov␣expansions sulphaquinoxaline superantioxidants Sussex␣pond␣pudding tenor␣saxophonists traveling␣expenses unexceptionalness unexperiencedness unexplainableness vinylpolysiloxane xenoencyclopedias xenotransplanting
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 89 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 2 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 29 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 5 words
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