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There are 68 seventeen-letter words containing E, 2M, 2N, T and Yacetylmannosamine aminomethylations and␣I␣don't␣mean␣maybe anticomplementary community␣language Community␣language cyanmethemoglobin damnation␣of␣memory demethylimination empty-nest␣syndrome empty␣nest␣syndrome empty␣nose␣syndrome enantioasymmetric friendly␣amendment Gerstmann␣syndrome gnathodynamometer hyperimmunisation hyperimmunization hyperinflammation immunocytogenetic immunogenetically immunophenotyping immunosensitivity incommunicatively information␣system intramembranously ketomethylenamine Lindenmayer␣system magnetogasdynamic management␣summary management␣systems mancude-ring␣system manganpyrosmalite memory␣institution methoxycinnamates methylbenzylamine methylhexaneamine microhymenopteran monetary␣impotence money␣does␣not␣smell monkey␣in␣the␣middle monoargumentality Montmorency␣County monumental␣masonry necroinflammatory neuroinflammatory nominal␣type␣system nonaxisymmetrical nonimmunogenicity nonmathematically nonsupersymmetric nonterminal␣symbol non-terminal␣symbol numerical␣taxonomy oncoimmunotherapy Perry␣Mason␣moments postpneumonectomy roentgenkymograms running␣commentary sovereign␣immunity symmetric␣function thermodynamicians translation␣memory transmembranously tympanic␣membranes uncommunicatively uncomplimentarily unemployment␣traps
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 40 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 17 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 5 words
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