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There are 52 nineteen-letter words containing 2E, F, M, O, S and Yapples␣of␣someone's␣eye arc-form␣pearly␣mussel burning␣feet␣syndrome caught␣someone's␣fancy Chinese␣food␣syndrome cry␣from␣the␣housetops doing␣by␣half-measures dysfibrinogenaemias elementary␣functions false-memory␣syndrome false␣memory␣syndrome frozen␣robot␣syndrome germ␣theory␣of␣disease gyromagnetic␣effects homely␣as␣a␣hedge␣fence hypofibrinogenemias hypotransferrinemia hypotransferrinemic immortal␣jellyfishes immunofluorescently Klinefelter␣syndrome Klippel-Feil␣syndrome maleylsulfathiazole malonyltransferases maltosyltransferase mannosyltransferase mesoeucrocodyliform molybdenum␣disulfide mycolyltransferases Novaya␣Zemlya␣effects nymphs␣of␣the␣pavement polymethoxyflavones puts␣out␣of␣one's␣misery Reformatsky␣enolates Reformatsky␣reaction second-system␣effects smart-reference␣proxy software␣deployments solitary␣confinement stephanoberyciforms stiff␣person␣syndrome strike␣someone's␣fancy struck␣someone's␣fancy sulfamethoxydiazine sulfonylketenimines taking␣someone's␣fancy term␣of␣years␣absolute tickle␣someone's␣fancy tragedy␣of␣the␣commons trifluoromethylates tube␣feeding␣syndrome yellow-rumped␣finches
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 15 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 6 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 5 words
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