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There are 27 nineteen-letter words containing 2E, I, 2O and 2WBowness-on-Windermere broken␣windows␣theory is␣one's␣own␣worst␣enemy knowing␣when␣to␣fold␣'em necessity␣knows␣no␣law new␣wine␣in␣old␣bottles Okinawan␣sweet␣potato old␣wine␣in␣a␣new␣bottle old␣wine␣in␣new␣bottles on␣the␣wings␣of␣the␣wind pulled␣one's␣own␣weight spoon-winged␣lacewing stew␣in␣one's␣own␣grease stew␣in␣one's␣own␣juices stews␣in␣one's␣own␣broth stews␣in␣one's␣own␣gravy stews␣in␣one's␣own␣juice throwing␣to␣the␣wolves twists␣someone's␣words two␣week␣millionaires viewpoints␣framework voted␣with␣one's␣wallet votes␣with␣one's␣wallet white-crowned␣plovers yellow-browed␣antbird yellow-browed␣bunting yellow-crowned␣bishop
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 1 word
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 17 words
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