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There are 57 nineteen-letter words containing E, F, M, 2R, T and Yartery␣of␣Adamkiewicz asymmetrical␣warfare burning␣feet␣syndrome carbamyltransferase counterinflammatory cry␣from␣the␣housetops demethyltransferase deuteroformaldehyde diffractometrically dimethyltransferase environment-friendly family␣of␣procreation ferrilotharmeyerite frequency␣multiplier frozen␣robot␣syndrome germ␣theory␣of␣disease getting␣gray␣hair␣from getting␣grey␣hair␣from glutamyltransferase Helmholtz␣free␣energy hyperperfect␣numbers hypotransferrinemia hypotransferrinemic infant␣mortality␣rate infinity␣transmitter information␣literacy information␣security information␣symmetry interferometrically keratorefractometry Klinefelter␣syndrome lymphoproliferation lymphoproliferative lymphoproloferation malonyltransferases maltosyltransferase mannosyltransferase mercury␣arc␣rectifier millimeter␣of␣mercury millimetre␣of␣mercury mycolyltransferases radio␣interferometry Reformatsky␣enolates Reformatsky␣reaction regulatory␣framework remanufacturability smart-reference␣proxy stephanoberyciforms stiff␣person␣syndrome symmetric␣difference term␣of␣years␣absolute third␣time␣pays␣for␣all trifluoroethylamine trifluoromethylated trifluoromethylates trifluorothymidines vermilion␣flycatcher
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 13 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 7 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 3 words
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