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There are 170 nine-letter words containing E, 2O, P, R, S and Taeroports aëroports aerotopes autospore boatropes boltropes bolt-ropes bolt␣ropes coexports co-exports composter coreports co-reports cystopore depositor doorsteps dope␣story droopiest dropstone ergotopes esotropes esotropia esotropic exotropes expositor footropes goat-ropes goat␣ropes go␣to␣press homeports home␣ports homopters hoopsters horopters inotropes Loprestos mesotroph mitospore necropost oat␣operas octospore odortypes operators operosity optioners orophytes otosphere outpowers outropers overplots overposts oxytropes pentroofs pent␣roofs pestproof Petrosino Petrovsko pokeroots poofsters poolsters poorliest poor␣rates Pooterish Pooterism porocytes porotypes portholes porthouse porticoes portmotes portoises portouses Port␣Seton Port␣St.␣Joe postdrome posterboy poster␣boy posterior posthorse post-horse post␣horse postoffer postorder post-order postponer postscore postwhore potholers potorines power␣spot powertops power␣tops prepostor presmooth Prestwood pre-to-post promotees promoters promotest proposeth proptosed proptoses prosector prosomite proteomes proteoses protesome protestor Protheros protolyse protomers protosite protosome provokest provosted Prowseton pteropods rape␣tools recompost reoptions reotropes reportors repositor retropose ropelofts ropes␣into rose␣topaz rotascope rotoscope rotovapes soft␣power soporated soporates sore␣point spare␣tool spear␣foot spoon␣rest sporecoat sporocyte sporolate sportsome stonecrop stoopider stop␣order stopovers stop-overs stops␣over story-poem superfoot supermoto theropods tire␣spoon top␣orders top-poster topscored topscorer top␣scorer topscores torpedoes torporise trampoose Trollopes troopwise Tropeanos uprooters uprootest wetproofs zeotropes zoetropes zootropes
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