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There are 80 words containing E, F, N, 2T, V and Ytwenty-five —— infectivity infestivity —— fifty-seventh forty-seventh seventy-fifth seventy-first —— fifty-sevenths five-and-twenty forty-sevenths ineffectivity seventy-fifths seventy-firsts seventy-fourth —— affinitatively Fayettevillian fermentatively infiltratively nondefectivity noninfectivity seventy-fourths transfectivity unreflectivity —— butterfly␣knives center␣of␣gravity centre␣of␣gravity Fayettevillians frequentatively furternity␣leave it␣isn't␣even␣funny it's␣not␣even␣funny manifestatively overstratifying twenty-five-eight twenty-five/eight twenty-four/seven twenty-four␣seven —— centers␣of␣gravity centres␣of␣gravity elective␣affinity furternity␣leaves it␣is␣not␣even␣funny Lovecraft␣Country methyltoxoflavin offensensitivity top-heavy␣fraction transformatively —— every␣time␣one␣farts five␣will␣get␣you␣ten infraconnectivity top-heavy␣fractions —— benefit␣of␣inventory covenant␣of␣warranty have␣an␣easy␣time␣of␣it nymph␣of␣the␣pavement restitutive␣fantasy servant␣out␣of␣livery theory␣of␣everything twenty-five␣cent␣word —— antiproliferatively covenants␣of␣warranty heptamethoxyflavone information␣velocity nymphs␣of␣the␣pavement servants␣out␣of␣livery twenty-five␣cent␣words —— alternative␣lifestyle heptamethoxyflavones if␣you've␣got␣it,␣flaunt␣it Internet␣of␣Everything point␣of␣inevitability twenty-five-thousander —— acceleration␣of␣gravity alternative␣lifestyles City␣and␣County␣of␣Denver live␣to␣fight␣another␣day poverty␣is␣a␣state␣of␣mind principle␣of␣relativity there␣for␣everyone␣to␣see twenty-five-thousanders
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 2 words
- French Wiktionary: 6 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: no word
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 2 words
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