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There are 64 words containing E, G, J, N, O, R and Yjonglery rejoying —— rejoycing —— journeying overjoying reenjoying —— cyberjargon jeopardying Joe␣Grant␣Cay journeyings jungle␣glory rejoicingly —— hydrojetting overenjoying projectingly sojourneying —— Gyeongju␣bread leaping␣for␣joy outjourneying —— conjecturingly grey␣junglefowl Gyeongju␣breads hydroxyjuglone hypnagogic␣jerk overjustifying reobjectifying —— dark␣jungle␣glory green␣joe-pye␣weed hyperconjugated hypnagogic␣jerks Johnny␣Foreigner pharyngojejunal sergeant-majorly stage-door␣Johnny —— hyperconjugation hyperconjugative James-Lange␣theory Judgy␣McJudgerson jury␣of␣half-tongue overobjectifying Sjögren's␣syndrome stage-door␣Johnnys Tommy␣John␣surgery —— bright␣shiny␣object gastrojejunostomy hyperconjugations jog␣someone's␣memory Major␣Grey's␣chutney —— bright␣shiny␣objects Gressoney-Saint-Jean Tommy␣John␣surgeries —— declaratory␣judgment New␣Jersey␣chorus␣frog —— company␣sergeant␣major declaratory␣judgments don't␣give␣up␣your␣day␣job Japanese␣morning␣glory jockeying␣for␣position Juneau␣City␣and␣Borough —— company␣sergeant␣majors company␣sergeants␣major Crigler-Najjar␣syndrome full␣of␣the␣joys␣of␣spring psychological␣injuries
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 5 words
- French Wiktionary: 22 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 2 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: no word
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 35 words
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