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There are 22 words containing E, G, K, 2N and 2Wnew␣jack␣swing workingwomen —— wonderworking —— now␣we're␣talking Orange␣Walk␣Town walking␣on␣water walking␣wounded —— winnowing␣basket —— dead␣woman␣walking winnowing␣baskets working␣knowledge —— know␣what␣one␣is␣doing nudge␣nudge␣wink␣wink wink␣wink␣nudge␣nudge —— kick␣a␣dog␣when␣it's␣down knowing␣when␣to␣fold␣'em knowing␣which␣end␣is␣up —— chickweed␣wintergreen kicks␣a␣dog␣when␣it's␣down knowing␣one's␣way␣around —— broken␣windows␣policing what␣was␣someone␣smoking 24 definitions found- new␣jack␣swing — n. A variety of swingbeat dance music combining elements of rhythm… — n. (Slang) The combination of heroin and morphine, as a recreational drug.
- workingwomen — n. Plural of workingwoman.
- wonderworking — n. The performance of wonders, marvels, or miracles. — adj. Performing wonders, marvels, or miracles.
- now␣we're␣talking — phr. Synonym of now you’re talking.
- Orange␣Walk␣Town — prop.n. Alternative form of Orange Walk, capital of the Orange…
- walking␣on␣water — v. Present participle of walk on water.
- walking␣wounded — n. (Plural only, in triage) Those casualties whose wounds do not…
- winnowing␣basket — n. A basket used to winnow rice or grain from the chaff.
- dead␣woman␣walking — n. Female equivalent of dead man walking.
- winnowing␣baskets — n. Plural of winnowing basket.
- working␣knowledge — n. A knowledge of how to make something work without deeper theoretical…
- know␣what␣one␣is␣doing — v. Synonym of know what one is about.
- nudge␣nudge␣wink␣wink — interj. (Idiomatic, humorous, also attributive) A phrase used…
- wink␣wink␣nudge␣nudge — interj. Alternative form of nudge nudge wink wink.
- kick␣a␣dog␣when␣it's␣down — v. (Idiomatic) To make things worse for someone in an adverse situation.
- knowing␣when␣to␣fold␣'em — v. Present participle of know when to fold ’em.
- knowing␣which␣end␣is␣up — v. Present participle of know which end is up.
- chickweed␣wintergreen — n. Trientalis europaea; a plant in the Primulaceae family.
- kicks␣a␣dog␣when␣it's␣down — v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of kick…
- knowing␣one's␣way␣around — v. Present participle of know one’s way around.
- broken␣windows␣policing — n. The practice of assigning police resources to deal with otherwise…
- what␣was␣someone␣smoking — phr. (Idiomatic, humorous) Used to express surprise about someone’s…
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