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There are 99 twelve-letter words containing F, H, S, T and Yaim␣for␣the␣sky banyan␣fights Body␣of␣Christ broths␣of␣boys chimney␣swift copyfighters cryptoflysch East␣Finchley eighty-fifths eighty-firsts factory␣ships farsightedly farthest␣away father-slayer fathomlessly Fat␣Thursdays feather␣spray fifth-day␣fits fifty-eighths fifty-fourths fifty-seventh fire␣hydrants Fisher␣County fleshpottery flightlessly forsythialan forsythoside forty-eighths forty-fourths forty-seventh Forty␣Thieves fosphenytoin freightyards freight␣yards French␣pastry French␣thymes frightsomely fucosynthase half␣the␣story hexylthiofos hipsterfying historifying hydrofluates hydrosulfate hydrosulfite hyperfitness hyperforests hyposulfates hyposulfites infinity␣shot insightfully kitschifying length␣of␣days money␣shifted ninety-fifths north␣of␣sixty oysterfishes penny-fathers pigs␣might␣fly plays␣the␣fool psychoeffect safety␣arches safety␣chains safety␣helmet safety␣hoists safety␣school safety␣shorts safety␣thongs schistifying Scotchifying seventy-fifth sit-by-the-fire sixty-fourths smoothifying softheadedly spendthrifty sportfishery sprightfully stealthfully stepfatherly sulfhydrated sulfhydrates Taft-Hartleys theorycrafts the␣sky␣fell␣in thioesterify thirty-fifths thirty-firsts thriftlessly thyrofissure turkeyfishes twenty-fifths unshiftingly unslothfully whitefishery youthfulised youthfulises youthfulizes youthfulness
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 9 words
- French Wiktionary: 29 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 12 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 8 words
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