List of 9-letter words containing •••• Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a sixth letter
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There are 58 nine-letter words containing 2F, G and 2Iaffiching affirming affixings biting␣off coffining differing difflugid diffusing DILLIGAFF effigiate fafiating faggified faggifies filing␣fee finifying firefight fire-fight firing␣off fistfight fist-fight fist␣fight flying␣fig frigefied frigefies frigified frigifies giraffids giraffine giraffish giraffiti giraffoid Giuffrida giving␣off graffitis Griffings Griffiths hiving␣off indeffing infeffing infefting in␣full␣fig Kilgariff living␣off niffering offlining sgraffiti skiffling sniffings sniffling spliffing sufficing suffixing tariffing tiffining whiffings whiffling wiping␣off wiring␣off
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