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There are 64 thirteen-letter words containing 2F, R, S and 2Taffirmativist afforestation afforestments afrofuturists Afrofuturists afterfeathers butterflyfish butterfly␣fish cantoral␣staff centers␣of␣lift centres␣of␣lift desert␣truffle Droste␣effects efferent␣ducts effortposters effortposting estate␣for␣life farthest-flung farthest␣flung festschriften Festschriften fifth␣quarters first␣bite␣free foster␣fathers front␣foot␣shot fruit␣of␣the␣sea furthest-flung furthest␣flung Griffithstown hits␣different hit␣the␣buffers Jeddart␣staffs Jupiter's␣staff matters␣of␣fact metaeffectors Nernst␣effects not-for-profits off␣at␣the␣races off␣to␣the␣races paraffin␣tests perfect␣fifths petty␣officers quarterstaffs quarter-staffs safety␣factors scatter␣buffet self-fertility short-staffing shriftfathers shrift␣fathers Stafford␣knots staff␣sergeant Stroop␣effects stuffed-shirts stuffed␣shirts suffragetting suffragettism suffrutescent thermoeffects tourist␣office traffic-lights traffic␣lights went␣off␣the␣res white␣truffles
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