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There are 98 thirteen-letter words containing F, P, R, S and 2Tapple␣fritters bits␣of␣crumpet butterfly␣peas carpet␣fitters cryptofascist crypto-fascist cryptoforests duty␣of␣support ecofootprints effortposters effortposting ex-stepfathers facility␣trips fantasy␣sports fetish␣priests fighter␣pilots flattie␣spider flip␣the␣script fluorapatites foetoproteins forest␣product forest␣steppes fortepianists for␣the␣present forthputtings Fortuny␣pleats fosaprepitant foster␣parents frontal␣points impact␣factors Jupiter's␣staff lipotransfect nitre␣of␣potash not-for-profits paraffin␣tests perfect␣fifths perfectionist perfect␣metals perfect␣storms perfect␣system perfect␣tenses petrifactions petrofictions petty␣officers phase␣of␣matter phototransfer pianofortists platform␣boots pontificators postbreakfast postfiltering postformalist postformation postinfarcted pottersfields potter's␣fields Pott's␣fracture profectitious profit␣centers profit␣centres profit-takings profit␣takings prosurfactant protofascists proto-fascists protofeathers protofeminist proto-forester put␣out␣feelers putrefacients putrefactants putrefactions self-important self-portraits shatterproofs spirit␣of␣nitre spirits␣of␣salt spits␣feathers splatterfests splatterproof Splinter␣Fleet spots␣of␣bother spotted␣fevers strategyproof streetproofed Stroop␣effects sum␣of␣its␣parts superfetating superfetation superfluitant superfoetated superfoetates tip␣of␣the␣spear tops␣of␣the␣hour transport␣café trumpetfishes Trumpster␣fire white␣pomfrets
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