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There are 40 eighteen-letter words containing F, 2S, 2T and Yacetyltransferases butyryltransferase by␣the␣looks␣of␣things captains␣of␣industry commodity␣fetishism country-fried␣steaks cults␣of␣personality cytidyltransferase dysfunctionalities equisatisfiability essential␣fatty␣acid felony␣traffic␣stops fibrohistiocytomas field␣sobriety␣tests fire␣tower␣stairways freestyle␣wrestling get␣it␣out␣of␣my␣system guests␣of␣Her␣Majesty information␣systems islands␣of␣stability it's␣too␣late␣for␣sorry land␣of␣steady␣habits methyltransferases phytyltransferases put␣out␣of␣one's␣misery restitutive␣fantasy restless␣flycatcher royal␣straight␣flush safety-deposit␣boxes second-system␣effect slaty␣bristlefronts soft␣as␣a␣baby's␣bottom spotted␣flycatchers symmetric␣functions systems␣of␣equations transfructosylated transfructosylates trash␣heap␣of␣history tyranny␣of␣the␣masses unified␣type␣systems
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 19 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 9 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 7 words
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