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There are 53 seventeen-letter words containing F, 2L, 2O and 2Ralloproliferation alloproliferative biological␣warfare California␣coolers carry␣all␣before␣one cerebral␣blood␣flow chlorine␣fluorides clausal␣normal␣form clitoral␣foreskins electrofiltration electrofluorogram first␣world␣problem First␣World␣problem flip-flop␣operators fluorographically fluoropolarimetry fluoroprophylaxis four-leafed␣clovers four-leaved␣clovers four-o'clock␣flowers four␣o'clock␣flowers Frampton␣Cotterell free␣cell␣formation hydrofluoroalkane hydrofluoroolefin hydroxycalciferol in␣a␣world␣of␣trouble inferior␣colliculi longhorn␣forestfly looking␣for␣trouble Lordship␣of␣Ireland Masters␣of␣the␣Rolls molecular␣formulae molecular␣formulas nonmicrofibrillar oyster␣Rockefeller people␣from␣Porlock perfluoroalkylate perfluorochemical perfluoropolymers profibrogenically profilometrically purple␣loosestrife rhynchonelliforms Rolands␣for␣Olivers sonata-allegro␣form tetrafluorophenol tetrafluorophenyl trifluoroethanols ultraprofessional War␣of␣the␣Rebellion well-formed␣formula wildlife␣corridors
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 57 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 3 words
- Italian Wiktionary: 3 words
- German Wiktionary: 23 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 12 words
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