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There are 21 eighteen-letter words containing F, I, L, O, P, R and Waerial␣work␣platform Desertas␣wolf␣spider file-drawer␣problems first␣world␣problems First␣World␣problems forwards␣compatible friends␣in␣low␣places keeping␣a␣low␣profile lawful␣interception Leaning␣Tower␣of␣Pisa pellitory␣of␣the␣wall perfoliate␣bellwort powdery␣liveforever Prince␣of␣Wales␣check Prince␣of␣Wales␣spurs Republic␣of␣Botswana Republic␣of␣Zimbabwe ribbonleaf␣pondweed snowdrop␣windflower Wycliffe␣with␣Thorpe Your␣Worshipfulness 22 definitions found- aerial␣work␣platform — n. A mechanical device used to provide temporary access to areas at high levels.
- Desertas␣wolf␣spider — n. A wolf spider, Hogna ingens, from the Desertas Islands.
- file-drawer␣problems — n. Plural of file-drawer problem.
- first␣world␣problems — n. Plural of first world problem.
- First␣World␣problems — n. Plural of First World problem.
- forwards␣compatible — adj. Alternative form of forward compatible.
- friends␣in␣low␣places — n. (Idiomatic, humorous) Friends who have underworld connections…
- keeping␣a␣low␣profile — v. Present participle of keep a low profile.
- lawful␣interception — n. (Euphemistic) wiretapping.
- Leaning␣Tower␣of␣Pisa — prop.n. A famous bell tower in the Italian town of Pisa, known…
- pellitory␣of␣the␣wall — n. A plant of the species Parietaria officinalis, that has greenish… — n. Parietaria judaica (spreading pellitory).
- perfoliate␣bellwort — n. A plant of the species Uvularia perfoliata, native to eastern North America.
- powdery␣liveforever — n. Dudleya farinosa, a prized ornamental of highly variable, often…
- Prince␣of␣Wales␣check — n. A checked pattern resembling the glen plaid, popular for overcoats…
- Prince␣of␣Wales␣spurs — n. Plural of Prince of Wales spur.
- Republic␣of␣Botswana — prop.n. The official name of Botswana.
- Republic␣of␣Zimbabwe — prop.n. The official name of Zimbabwe.
- ribbonleaf␣pondweed — n. Potamogeton epihydrus, a perennial aquatic plant.
- snowdrop␣windflower — n. A plant species of the family Ranunculaceae (Anemone sylvestris).
- Wycliffe␣with␣Thorpe — prop.n. A civil parish in County Durham, England, which includes…
- Your␣Worshipfulness — pron. A pseudo-title of respect.
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 3 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 6 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 8 words
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