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There are 51 words containing 2F, 3N and 2Tgo␣off␣on␣a␣tangent nonaffectionate —— nonfortification transfer␣function —— anatomy␣of␣function indifferentiating indifferentiation nondifferentation nondifferentiated point␣of␣inflection transfer␣functions undifferentiating undifferentiation —— benefit␣of␣inventory indifferentiations neutron␣diffraction nondifferentiating nondifferentiation no␣skin␣off␣one's␣teeth points␣of␣inflection sing␣a␣different␣tune undifferentiations —— antidifferentiation instant-runoff␣voting land␣of␣fruits␣and␣nuts last␣nail␣in␣the␣coffin nondifferentiations sufficient␣condition —— affine␣transformation antidifferentiations forgiven␣and␣forgotten international␣affairs loop␣transfer␣function neurodifferentiation nondifferentiability nonpredifferentiated running␣off␣at␣the␣mouth sufficient␣conditions thin-film␣interference transdifferentiating transdifferentiation —— affine␣transformations alienation␣of␣affection confidential␣informant dance␣to␣a␣different␣tune enantiodifferentiated loop␣transfer␣functions organodifferentiation ten␣points␣to␣Gryffindor thin-film␣interferences transdifferentiations
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 74 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: 7 words
- German Wiktionary: 135 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: 1 word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 12 words
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