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There are 174 six-letter words containing G and 2Lalegal algals alledg allege Alling angell Angell argyll Argyll begall Billig Bollig Edgell egally Elbląg Flegel galeal galgal galled Gallen galler gallet galley Galley Gallgo gallic Gallic gallid gallin Gallio gallon Gallon gallop Gallop Gallos gallow Gallow Gallup gallus galpal gal␣pal gelila gellan Gellar gelled Geller gellif Gellis geloll ghylls gialli giallo Gilgal gilgul Gillam Gillan gilled Gillen Giller Gillet Gilley gillie Gillie Gillin Gillon Gillot Gillow Gillum Gillys gladly glagol Glasel glebal glegly glibly global glocal glucal gluily glulam glumal glumly glycal glycol glycyl gnolls goldly gollar Gollas goller Goller Gollob gollop Gollum gol-mol go␣pill Gorall Goroll Gowell Gralls Grella Grells grille Grilli Grillo grills grullo Gsells Guills gulgul Gullah Gullas gulled guller gullet gulley Gulley Gullos Gullys gwalls gwelly gwolla gyalls Hallig Illigs illing Ingall Lalage lalang Langel legals legful Legler leglet Lengel lignel lignol ligula ligule linalg lingel lingle Lingle lin-log logily Loglan loglet log-lin loglog log-log Logoli loligo loling LOLing lologs longly Magill McGill Megill mollag Oglala plagal regall rigoll Segall Slagel Slagle solgel sol-gel St.␣Gall uglily ullage ulling Willig
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