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There are 158 thirteen-letter words containing 2G, S and Yabstergifying Ægyptologist agrostography androgynising baggywrinkles big␣ugly␣dishes body␣languages Castlegregory chrysogorgiid consignifying cryogrindings crystal-gazing daddy-longlegs daddy␣longlegs daddy-long-legs daddy␣long-legs disagreeingly disengagingly disfiguringly disglorifying disobligingly disparagingly drying␣heights dysregulating easygoingness egg␣mayonnaise Egyptian␣geese Egyptian␣goose egyptologists Egyptologists eighty-eighths Englishifying etymologising figgy␣puddings flying␣bridges flying␣dragons flying␣ginnies gallery␣organs ganglion␣cysts garden␣syringe gastrosurgery genosubtyping geocryologist geophysiology gephyrostegid Gettysburgian gingivoplasty ginglymodians ginkgophytans Giving␣Tuesday glucosylating glycoantigens glycogenomics glycogenosome glycosylating glyptogenesis glyptologists gobbledygooks gobsmackingly going␣both␣ways goody␣gumdrops gooseberrying gooseberry␣wig grandyoungins granny-bashing granny␣glasses granny-sitting graphoglytids great␣grey␣owls Greek␣yoghurts Groundhog␣Days gunmetal␣grays gunmetal␣greys gympie-gympies gynaecologies gynaecologist gynæcologist gynecologists gypsiologists gypsy␣settings gyrodiagonals gyrogeodesics gyromagnetics gyromagnetism gyrotriangles horse␣and␣buggy hydrogenising hypogeogenous hyposignaling instigatingly jenny-longlegs jiggle␣physics kidney␣daggers languishingly laryngographs laryngologist logismography memory␣joggers misgenotyping mommybloggers mommy␣bloggers muh␣soggy␣knees mythologising no␣guts,␣no␣glory nonsignifying nosogeography nystagmograms oligoglycines phagocytising phagocytosing presignifying Pyongyangites rhyming␣slangs rogues␣gallery rogue's␣gallery rogues'␣gallery saggy␣trousers sailing␣dinghy saying␣goodbye scallawaggery scallywaggery seeing-eye␣dogs seeing␣eye␣dogs segregatively sensory␣gating Shaggy␣defense shaggy␣inkcaps sigillography singing␣cowboy singlet␣oxygen singsongingly sphygmographs sphygmography spoligotyping steganalyzing steganography St.␣George's␣Caye strategy␣games struggle-buggy sturdy␣beggars subgenotyping subgingivally subgyrogroups synagoguegoer synagogue-goer Thanksgivingy thingummyjigs ugly␣ducklings undesigningly unmisgivingly vaingloryings yellow␣niggers Young␣diagrams Yugonostalgia Yugo-nostalgia Yugonostalgic Yugo-nostalgic zygosporangia
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 27 words
- French Wiktionary: 47 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 2 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 4 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 8 words
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