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There are 113 nine-letter words containing G, T, U and WAkutagawa bewrought bowing␣out bowstrung Chugwater coughwort enwrought goutworts go␣without grew␣out␣of grow␣out␣of growthful gruntwork grunt␣work guess␣what guestwise guiltware gunwright Gupworthy Gutkowski Gutowskis Huntigowk inwrought Jungwirth Kowagmiut Kwangtung laugh␣with low-budget ludwigite lungworts nutmeg␣yew outbowing outglowed outgnawed outgrower outgrowth outlawing outrowing outsewing outswings outwagers outwaving outweighs outwiling outwinged outwooing outwrings rewrought shutwings stuff␣gown swag␣it␣out swags␣it␣up sweetgums sweet␣gums swingouts throw␣rugs tockwough Tokugawas troughway tugs-of-war tugs␣of␣war twig␣runes undertwig unstowing unthawing untwining unwanting unwasting unweeting unweights unweighty unwilting unwitting unwotting unwriting unwrought upgrowths upwafting upweights upwrought uwatenage waiting␣up watch␣guns waterbugs water␣bugs water␣guns water␣guts waterjugs watusiing wauchting waughting WayHaught wedgitude weightful went␣rogue white␣gums whiting␣up wigged-out wigged␣out windgusts wingsuits wiping␣out with␣young Witt␣group worryguts wrings␣out writing␣up wroughten Wroughton wrought-up Wu-Tangers wuthering Yuwangtai
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 35 words
- French Wiktionary: 16 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 343 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 84 words
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