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There are 52 eleven-letter words containing 2G, N, R and 2Targentating astrogating betting␣ring bogtrotting bright␣giant cigaretting cotargeting cutting␣a␣rug dogtrotting dragnetting druggetting drug␣testing fertigating fingertight finger-tight finger␣tight forgettings garrottings getting␣over gingerettes girlcotting glitterings gotten␣a␣grip gratinating gratulating gravitating gutturizing gyrotangent ingurgitate integrating jogtrotting niggerettes night-bright nightfright outrighting overgetting pargettings parting␣gift reagitating regrettings regurgitant retargeting staggerment starting␣gun straighting straughting street␣gangs strengthing togethering Trigg␣County watergating Watergating
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