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There are 71 fifteen-letter words containing G, K, O, R and 2Sat␣a␣single␣stroke bastard␣gemsboks blocking␣courses bracketologists Chinese␣grosbeak cooking␣sherries crossing␣keepers fireworks␣nights for␣Goddess's␣sake for␣goodness'␣sake get␣one's␣rocks␣off glass␣parking␣lot glossy␣antshrike God␣bless␣the␣mark godforsakenness goldbeater's␣skin gold-beater's␣skin Gopalakrishnans grasshopperlike gross␣motor␣skill hardworkingness Hong␣Kong␣harness jackass␣morwongs kangaroo␣grasses Kartvelologists karyomastigonts keratinogenesis king's␣rook's␣pawns kissing␣gouramis Kremlinologists kronoseismology Kubrickologists logbook␣services megakaryoblasts megamouth␣sharks milking␣boosters morning␣sickness netherstockings on␣speaking␣terms picks␣gooseberry pork␣scratchings progressive␣rock Sanskritologist sarcophaguslike Schomburgk's␣deer screening␣smokes Shakespearology shilling␣shocker sounding␣rockets spring␣snowflake statokinesigram stirrup␣stocking stockbrokerages stockfishmonger stocking␣fillers stocking-stuffer stocking␣stuffer strikes␣one's␣flag strokes␣of␣genius sugar␣in␣one's␣tank superknowledges tongues-speakers tongues␣speakers triskaidecagons Winogradsky␣test working-classize working␣pressure work␣one's␣guts␣out work␣one's␣passage works␣agreements works␣in␣progress
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 2 words
- French Wiktionary: 32 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 161 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 65 words
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