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There are 61 sixteen-letter words containing G, H, O, S and 2Uabsolute␣droughts agricultural␣shot augmented␣fourths Austro-Hungarians authority␣figures autocoprophagous brought␣to␣justice brought␣up␣against burst␣out␣laughing butcher's␣mourning chequing␣accounts chuck␣up␣the␣sponge churchyard␣coughs double-shufflings drogue␣parachutes Dunhuangologists ferruginous␣hawks fight␣one's␣guts␣out globus␣hystericus good-humouredness go␣round␣the␣houses goulash␣communism group␣punishments gummed␣up␣the␣works hamburger␣buttons hangs␣up␣one's␣spurs harbours␣of␣refuge Houghton␣Conquest hourglass␣figures housefurnishings Humboldt␣penguins hung␣up␣one's␣fiddle hushing␣one's␣mouth intrusive␣thought jugum␣sphenoidale jump␣through␣hoops Kingston␣upon␣Hull laughs␣out␣of␣court luncheon␣sausages Norwegian␣Buhunds pneumatic␣troughs pseudepigraphous pseudohomologues pseudohomozygous publishing␣houses quasihomogeneous quellenforschung run␣roughshod␣over shotgun␣debugging subhaplogrouping sulphotungstates superdreadnought super-dreadnought superhaplogroups superhomogeneous tough␣nuts␣to␣crack turbosupercharge ultrahomogeneous unthoughtfulness victualling␣house woolgrass␣bulrush
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 58 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 3 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 96 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 10 words
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