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There are 115 thirteen-letter words containing G, I, L, N, O, R and Wautoflowering befurbelowing bi␣now,␣gay␣later bowler␣hatting bowling␣crease bowling␣greens burrowing␣owls carpet␣bowling coaling␣towers Collingsworth contraflowing cooling␣towers crowdpleasing crowd-pleasing crown␣moldings Ellingsworths filtering␣down flamethrowing flaming␣swords flowerbearing flower-bearing flowering␣rush flowering␣teas flowerpicking foreknowingly forewarningly frontal␣wedgie get␣a␣wriggle␣on giant␣wood␣rail global␣warming got␣a␣wriggle␣on grandson-in-law hardworkingly Hollingsworth Hollingworths hornswoggling inwardlooking inward-looking jawdroppingly jaw-droppingly Killingsworth Killingworths metalworkings mineral␣wagons mulching␣mower needleworking Nordic␣walking Norway␣lemming overflowering overflowingly overhallowing overhollowing overscrawling overweeningly overwhelmings overwillingly overwrestling paper␣toweling postflowering powerbuilding powerslamming prilling␣tower redownloading regional␣power scalp␣ringworm shallow-frying shillingworth shivering␣owls silverworking spelling␣words Stringfellows surgical␣gowns thermowelding throwing␣table throwing␣wheel thryfallowing trench-plowing trickling␣down unoverflowing unwonderingly Virchow's␣angle Virchow's␣gland wagonbuilders walking␣around wallcoverings wall␣coverings wallcrossings wallflowering watercoloring waterflooding watering␣holes weasel␣wording wellorderings well-orderings wiglomeration willing␣horses wolpertingers woolgathering wool-gathering working␣animal working␣family working␣titles work␣triangles worldbuilding world-building world␣building world-endingly worldproofing world␣religion worshippingly wrongful␣birth wrongmindedly wrong-mindedly yellow-carding yellow␣niggers
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 18 words
- French Wiktionary: 15 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 47 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 36 words
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