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There are 16 words containing 3G, 3O and Yagrogeologically agrogeology going␣down␣the␣wrong␣way googly-moogly googly␣moogly googology gotong-royong gynoroentgenology how␣are␣you␣getting␣along oggy␣oggy␣oggy ontology␣engineering Pyongyangology thoroughgoingly vagoglossopharyngeal Web␣Ontology␣Language Web␣Ontology␣Languages 18 definitions found- agrogeologically — adv. In terms of agrogeology.
- agrogeology — n. The geological study of agrominerals.
- going␣down␣the␣wrong␣way — v. Present participle of go down the wrong way.
- googly-moogly — interj. Expression of surprise, disbelief, delight, or fear.
- googly␣moogly — interj. Alternative form of googly-moogly.
- googology — n. (Humorous, colloquial) The Internet search engine Google, or… — n. The study of large numbers.
- gotong-royong — n. (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore) Cooperation by members of… — n. (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore) An event where people clean…
- gynoroentgenology — n. The radiography of the female human body.
- how␣are␣you␣getting␣along — phr. (Informal) A greeting roughly equivalent to how are you.
- oggy␣oggy␣oggy — interj. (Britain) A simple chant to rouse a crowd.
- ontology␣engineering — n. (Computer science) A field which studies the methods and methodologies…
- Pyongyangology — n. (Politics) Kremlinology applied to North Korea.
- thoroughgoingly — adv. Fully; completely; thoroughly.
- vagoglossopharyngeal — adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the vagus nerve, tongue, and pharynx.
- Web␣Ontology␣Language — n. (Computing, Internet) A formal language (or family of languages)…
- Web␣Ontology␣Languages — n. Plural of Web Ontology Language.
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