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There are 44 words containing 2G, 2H, 2S and Usugar␣highs —— hungry␣ghosts meshuggenahs meshuggenehs thuggishness —— graph␣toughness high␣surrogates —— gives␣up␣the␣ghost gutshot␣straight gut-shot␣straight gut␣shot␣straight roughness␣length stagger-throughs —— Gainsborough␣hats gutshot␣straights gut-shot␣straights gut␣shot␣straights hiding␣the␣sausage laughingthrushes roughness␣lengths —— pushing␣and␣shoving thoroughgoingness —— gather␣one's␣thoughts hang␣out␣one's␣shingle Houghton␣Saint␣Giles Shaughnessy␣Village thrush␣nightingales tight␣as␣a␣gnat's␣chuff —— gemeinschaftsgefuhl going␣round␣the␣houses pushing␣string␣uphill —— going␣around␣the␣houses laughing␣heir␣statutes Magdeburg␣hemispheres push␣into␣the␣long␣grass Thanksgiving␣Thursday white␣English␣bulldogs —— get␣it␣through␣one's␣skull glycerophosphoglucose how␣the␣sausage␣gets␣made like␣shit␣through␣a␣goose sluggish␣schizophrenia Thanksgiving␣Thursdays until␣the␣last␣dog␣is␣hung
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 4 words
- French Wiktionary: 2 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 319 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 6 words
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