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There are 132 eleven-letter words containing H, R, X and Yadoxography asphyxiator axonography axonotrophy brachycalyx carbethoxyl carboethoxy chloroxynil choux␣pastry chromoplexy chylothorax cyphertexts cytopharynx decahydroxy dihydroxide dihydroxyls eupraxsophy euxerophyte exact␣rhymes exhortatory exhortingly exozoochory extrathymic feroxyhytes flexography forty-sixths hemaroxylin hemoximetry heterodoxly heteroxylan hexacyprone hexahydrate hexahydride hexahydrite hexahydroxy hexamercury hexapolymer hexapyridyl hexatrienyl hydroperoxy hydrothorax hydroxamate hydroxamide hydroxilase hydroximate hydroxonium hydroxyacid hydroxy␣acid hydroxyacyl hydroxyaryl hydroxylase hydroxylate hydroxylian hydroxymate hydroxyurea hydroxyuria hydroxyzine hyperconvex hyperexpose hyperextend hyperflexed hyperflexes hypergalaxy hyperlaxity hyperlexics hypermatrix hyperoxemia hyperoxemic hyperoxides hyperplexed hypersexist hypersexual hypertexted hypervertex hypervoxels hypopharynx hypopyrexia hysteropexy karyorhexic mesopharynx monohydroxy nasopharynx nonahydroxy octahydroxy orchidopexy orthoxylene oxalotrophy oxychloride oxyhydrates oxyhydrogen oxy-hydrogen oxymorphine oxymorphone oxyrhynchus Oxyrhynchus oxytrichids perhydroxyl phylloxerae phylloxeran phylloxeras phylloxeric phylloxerid polyhydroxy prophylaxed prophylaxes prophylaxis pyrithioxin pyroxanthin pyroxychlor pyrrhuloxia rock␣hyraxes Schexnayder sixty-fourth sixty-thirds texaphyrins thirty-sixth thyrotoxins unorthodoxy urethropexy velopharynx xenohistory xerophytics xerophytism xiphydriids X-ray␣therapy xylochloric xylochromes xylographed xylographer xylographic xylotherapy xylotrophic
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 31 words
- French Wiktionary: 68 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 12 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 3 words
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