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There are 264 nine-letter words containing H, R, U and YAkhouryan Akhuriyan anhydrous archduchy authority autochory brachyury brush␣away brushed␣by brushes␣by brutishly burgherly bush␣party butcherly by␣thunder Charlbury Chaudhary Chaudhrys Choudhary Choudhrys Choudhury Chowdhury chuprassy Church␣Cay churchify churchily churchkey church␣key churchway chylurias corypheus Coughtrey crunchily Crutchley cryobrush cumhungry curlyhead currishly curry␣chip curryfish cutcherry cyberhugs cyberthug cytobrush Daugherty Daughtery Daughtrey Daughtrys Dougherty dry␣coughs dry␣humour dry-humped dry␣humped durophagy Dymchurch Elkhourys enhydrous eucryphia eurhythmy Euromyths eurybaths eurybathy euryphage euryphagy eurytherm eurythmic euthyroid Fakhourys farmhousy flourishy Fluhartys flurothyl Fourth␣Day full␣rhyme furtherly grayhound greyhound Greyhound Greymouth grouchily Gupworthy happy␣hour harmfully Harpurhey haruspicy haulyards Hawryluks hedysarum here␣you␣go hexylurea hierourgy hirsutely homebuyer honourary hoodlumry how␣are␣you huckstery hue␣and␣cry huikstery human␣year humdrumly humorally humoredly Humpherys Humphreys hump␣yards hunkidory hunkydory hunky-dory hunky␣dory hurraying hurriedly hurryings hurrysome hurtfully hurtingly husbandry huswifery hybridous hydaturia hydrauger hydraulic hydraulis hydraulus hydrofuge hydrolube hydronaut hydronium hydropult hydropump hydrouria hydrurets hygraulic hypantrum hypercube hypercusp hyperduly hyperflux hypericum hyperjump hyperluxe hyperpure hypertufa hyperuria hypovirus I␣am␣hungry Ivychurch jay␣thrush Laugherys Lougherys Loughreys Lynchburg Lyndhurst McMurphys mudiriyah Mumphreys muography Murphy␣bed mushroomy neuromyth neyghbour nonhourly nonhungry outrhymed outrhymes overhurry phylarcus physiurgy phytodrug phytosaur plutarchy prudishly pulchrify Pumphreys purveyeth pyrethrum Ramaytush raunchily roguishly rubbishly rue␣the␣day Rum-Johnny runtishly rushingly rustyhood ruthfully ruttishly Setmurthy shore␣duty shrubbery sour␣honey sourishly Southbury southerly Stuchbery Stuchbury subahdary subhourly subtheory sulphuryl superhype surveyeth syrphuses Thornbury threasury throughly thrum-eyed thruppeny Thursdays thyridium trihourly troughway try␣houses turkey␣ham turkey-hen turkey␣hen Turkishly two-hourly ulotrichy unbreathy uncharily uncharity uncyphers Underhays unearthly ungrouchy unharmony unhistory unpreachy unraunchy unrhyming unroughly unstarchy unthirsty unthrifty uprightly urban␣myth urography urophysis Uyghurian Uyghurjin warehousy warhungry who␣are␣you whurrying wrymouths Yaldhurst Yarboughs Yarbrough Yarmouths yoghourts yoghurted Yom␣Teruah Yoshimura you␣hear␣me your␣Honor youth␣crew youthward youthwear youthwork youth␣work youthwort Yurkovich zephyrous
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 73 words
- French Wiktionary: 88 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 37 words
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 14 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 1 word
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