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There are 405 eleven-letter words containing H, L, N, T and Yabhorrently acanthology achronality allochthony allocyathin along␣the␣way althiomycin altohyrtins amblygnathy aminoethyls aminomethyl anophthalmy anthacyclin anthecology anthracenyl anthrolysin anthumously antiholiday any␣old␣thing Ashland␣City authenticly benightedly benthically binaphthyls blightingly Blighty␣ones butylphenol butylphenyl by␣a␣long␣shot Cahenslyist Cahenslyite calerythrin calycanthus cantholysis charlatanry chastenedly chieftainly choanocytal cholestanyl chortlingly Christianly chronolatry claim␣shanty clothifying clutchingly codethyline Colney␣Hatch colocynthin colocynthis colonopathy condylarths cyanoethyls cyanomethyl cyhalothrin cynophilist daylighting Debye␣length demethylant diethylenes diethylzinc dimethylene dinaphthyls diphytanoyl dishonestly ditheringly downrightly enchantedly enthalpicly entomophily envelopathy erythrolein ethanolysis ethenolyses ethenolysis ethylamines ethylarenes ethylations ethylidenes ethylphenol ethynylenes etiophyllin exhortingly fifteenthly filthifying find␣the␣lady fly-by-nights flycatching flying␣shots flying␣white fly-pitching fortnightly freight-only galanty␣show hairstyling hair␣styling half-century half-monthly hamatoxylin handcyclist handy␣talkie hangability haplotyping haptenylate Hartleyburn hawthorn␣fly heavy␣client hectoringly heliotyping Hellenicity hematoxylin hemotoxylin hepatolysin heptaprenyl heptauranyl heptylamine heterolysin heteroxylan hexatrienyl hindsightly histolysing histolyzing Hola␣Prystan holystoning holy␣trinity holy␣Trinity Holy␣Trinity honey-do␣list honey␣do␣list honeylocust honey␣locust honey-plants honey␣plants hundredthly hyalinocyte hyaluronate hydrational hymnologist hyopalatine hyoplastron hyperfluent hyperlucent hypervalent hypnoblasts hypnologist hypocentral hypofrontal hypotenusal hypselodont indotyphlid inheritably inhibitedly interglyphs interhyphal interphylar interphylum intrahyphal intraphylum IP␣telephony Khmelnitsky Khrustalnyi kittenishly know␣thyself labyrinthal labyrinthed labyrinthic laminopathy Langworthys lanthorn-fly Latah␣County lathyrogens launch␣party lay␣brethren Lemhi␣County lemon␣thymes leptorrhiny libytheines lie␣in␣the␣way lightningly limnophytes lipotyphlan lithogenesy lithophyton lithotyping Llanarthney lonelyheart lonely-heart lunar␣theory lycanthrope lycanthropy lychnobites lycoxanthin lymphotoxin lysostaphin Machynlleth methanolyse methylamine methylamino methylarene methylating methylation methylenate methylidene methylidyne methyprylon monilophyte monophylety monthly␣bill motheringly mythologian naphthylene naughty␣list New␣Plymouth nightclubby ninetiethly nitromethyl nitrophenyl Nizhny␣Tagil no␣hat,␣no␣play nonethylene nonlethally nonmythical nonsmoothly norathyriol northwardly notothyrial nycthemeral nyctophiles nyctophilic nympholepts ornithology orthoxylene oxyethylene pantheology panty␣shield penalty␣shot pentadelphy pentamethyl Pages: 1 2
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 86 words
- French Wiktionary: 130 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 27 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 9 words
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