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There are 113 eleven-letter words containing H, 3T and UArbuthnotts attenuateth at␣the␣minute attributeth autotheists beat␣the␣dust bite␣the␣dust bust␣the␣dust buttbreaths butt-breaths butt␣breaths butter␣teeth butter␣tooth Butterworth chatiquette chest␣button chut␣pattern cottonmouth cultivateth cuts␣the␣knot distrusteth Dutch␣treats extenuateth first␣truths fluctuateth frustrateth gotch-gutted Guthrie␣test guttermouth gutter␣mouth heptamutant histocutter Hittorf␣tube instituteth instructeth Lutterworth metathought mistrusteth multitheist North␣Tustin nutshotting on␣the␣button outchatters outshutting outthreaten outthrusted Plattsmouth pottymouths potty␣mouths puts␣to␣death put␣straight put␣the␣lie␣to put␣the␣pot␣on puttogether put-together put␣together schuetteite set␣at␣naught set␣at␣nought shattuckite shift␣the␣cut shirt-button shitting␣out shortcutted shortcutter shotputters shot-putters shot␣putters shot-putting shutting␣out shuttleport spluttereth squat␣thrust stimulateth stop␣thrusts straight-cut straight-out straight␣out stretchouts subtracteth that's␣just␣me thistle␣tube thoughtiest thoughtlets thought-path thought␣path thrust␣fault thrustmeter thrust␣stage tich␣buttons time␣thrusts to␣the␣minute to␣the␣tune␣of touch␣bottom touch-typist transmuteth Truchet␣tile trustworthy truth␣be␣told truth␣tables truthteller truth␣to␣tell tufthunters tufthunting turn␣the␣boat turn␣the␣tide turret␣lathe Tutankhaten twithoughts twi-thoughts unthrottled unthrottles Utah␣teapots
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