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There are 35 words containing H, L and 3Wwheel␣window white␣willow —— walk␣away␣with wheel␣windows white␣willows —— walks␣away␣with —— walked␣away␣with whole␣wide␣world —— ashy␣woodswallow blow␣high,␣blow␣low blow␣with␣the␣wind chuck-will's-widow walking␣away␣with went␣with␣the␣flow willow␣in␣the␣wind —— ashy␣woodswallows chuck-will's-widows willows␣in␣the␣wind window␣on␣the␣world windward␣of␣the␣law —— Arrow␣with␣Weethley wheel␣within␣a␣wheel who␣would␣have␣known windows␣on␣the␣world —— blow␣the␣cobwebs␣away wheels␣within␣wheels whistle␣down␣the␣wind —— flew␣with␣leaden␣wings how␣the␣wind␣is␣blowing whistled␣down␣the␣wind whistles␣down␣the␣wind —— flown␣with␣leaden␣wings whatever␣will␣be,␣will␣be whistling␣down␣the␣wind —— Old␣Newton␣with␣Dagworth
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 4 words
- French Wiktionary: 5 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 6 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 1 word
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