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There are 160 thirteen-letter words containing 2H, N, O, T and Yacanthophylls achyranthoids anthophyllite anthrohistory anthropochory anthropopathy anthropophagy anthropophily anthropophony anthropophyte anthroposophy Anthroposophy aphilanthropy arhythmogenic cantharophily canthorrhaphy cenesthopathy channelopathy Chatham␣County chimney-pot␣hat chondrichthye chondricthyan chondrophytes chronotherapy chrysanthemol chrysanthenol cohesinopathy counterrhythm cytophosphane dehyphenation diphthongally Duchy␣of␣Athens enterorrhaphy enthesophytes e-philanthropy erythrochelin ethchlorvynol ethnopharmacy ethoxyethanes ethoxyethanol ethylmorphine gnathophyllid hadrontherapy haloethylenes haptophyceans hard␣on␣the␣eyes hawthornberry hawthorn␣berry hecatontarchy helminthology hemline␣theory high␣modernity Ho␣Chi␣Minh␣City Hồ␣Chí␣Minh␣City hydroethidine hydroxyethane hyphenization hypnobirthing hypochondrist hypochristian hypoChristian hypo-Christian hypohydration hyposthenuria hyposynthesis hypothecating hypothecation hypothesising hypothesizing hypothetising hypothetizing hypoxanthines hysteranthous hystricognath ichthyofaunae ichthyofaunal ichthyofaunas ichthyomantic ichthyootoxin ichthyophagan ichthyotoxins kalyptorhynch methanotrophy methoxyethane methoxyphenol methoxyphenyl naphthopyrans naphthopyrene naphthopyrone nonarrhythmic nonhyphenated North␣Ayrshire North␣Thoresby nychthemerons oh,␣the␣humanity onychopathies onychophagist onychoteuthid orphanotrophy orthohydrogen osteichthyans outhaughtying phanerophytes pharyngopathy phenylethanol pheophytinase phosphonylate photohydrogen photosynthate phthalocyanin phycoerythrin phycoxanthine phyllanthocin phylloxanthin physianthropy phytochelatin phytoerythrin phytohormonal phytohormones phytohormonic phytopathogen polythiophene psychotechnic pythonomorphs rhynchobatids rhythmisation rhythmization rhythm␣section rolls␣in␣the␣hay shorthandedly short-handedly South␣Hiendley synophthalmia synophthalmic techtochrysin thanatography theophyllines therianthropy thermosyphons thioanhydride thiohydantoin thiohydrazone thiothymidine thrice-monthly thyreophorans thyrotrophins toothachingly trachyonychia trichohyalins trichophytons trophy␣hunters trophy␣hunting trypanorhynch typhoon␣fifths uncrashworthy unthoughtedly why␣in␣the␣world xanthonychids xanthophycean xanthophyllic
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 48 words
- French Wiktionary: 72 words
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- German Wiktionary: 22 words
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 6 words
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