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There are 159 thirteen-letter words containing H, 2L, S, T and Yacanthophylls aesthetically æsthetically ahistorically alchemystical alchymistical alkoxymethyls alkyllithiums allenylthiols anthraniloyls asthmatically astrophyllite atheistically ballybethaghs butyl␣alcohols butyllithiums callichthyids calyptroliths Cassety␣Hollow Catheys␣Valley charity␣labels chloromethyls chlorothymols cholinolytics Christmas␣lily crash␣trolleys cyclohexitols Dawley␣Hamlets delightsomely diarylmethyls dicholesteryl dimethylsilyl Elohistically ethylestrenol exhaustlessly farnesylethyl fatty␣alcohols flying␣helmets gallanty␣shows ganophyllites get␣by␣the␣balls glycocholates goes␣all␣the␣way Halley's␣method hallway␣tracks haloethylenes halostability Haskell␣County hectopsyllids Helly's␣theorem heptaphyllous heptasyllabic herstorically heterocyclyls heuristically Himalayan␣salt holy␣stromboli hubristically hyaloclastite hydroskeletal hyposialylate hyposmolality jellyfish␣tree labyrinth␣seal lay␣by␣the␣heels leptophyllous light␣railways lithodialysis lithoglyptics lymphoblastic lymphologists lymphostromal lyophilisates lyophilizates lysolecithins MALT␣lymphomas metallophytes methacryloyls methylbenzyls methylglucose methylindoles methyllysines methylolureas methylol␣ureas methylphenyls methylsulfate orthologously otophylloside pentaphyllous phenylacetyls phylloborates phyllocnistid phyllodontids phylloseptins phyllostomids phyllostomine physical␣plant phytoallexins plays␣the␣field play␣the␣angles polishability poltroonishly polycatechols polyethylenes polyphyletism polysulphated polysulphates polysulphuret polythalamous prehospitally psychotically pylephlebitis pyrophyllites rolls␣in␣the␣hay save␣by␣the␣bell schematically semilethality Seychelles␣nut Shirley␣Temple sophistically spathiphyllum staphylocidal staphylolysin staphylolytic stenophyllous stomachically strengthfully suburethrally sulfoxymethyl sulphoxylates supralethally synthetically syphilologist tallywhackers tetraphyllous the␣hell␣you␣say thelytokously theophyllines thiodiglycols thoughtlessly thrasonically thylacosmilid thyreoglossal tolualdehydes treads␣lightly triethylsilyl triphasically trolley␣dashes typhlocolitis typhlologists ultraphysical West␣Hollywood Wharton's␣jelly wholistically yellow␣patches yellow␣thistle yellowthroats you␣should␣talk zosterophylls
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 31 words
- French Wiktionary: 51 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 21 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 4 words
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