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There are 52 seventeen-letter words containing 2H, L and 3Sblush␣is␣off␣the␣rose devil's␣coach-horses establishing␣shots haemohistioblasts headless␣over␣heels healthy␣user␣biases histopathologists holding␣one's␣horses Hot␣Sulphur␣Springs isophosphinolines Jesus␣Harold␣Christ King␣Charles's␣heads Leach's␣kingfishers lesser␣chinchillas lysophospholipase lysophospholipids maschalephidrosis ophthalmoscopists philosopher's␣stone philosophers'␣stone philosophicalness phosphine␣sulfides phosphocelluloses phosphoglucosides phosphohydrolases phosphohydrolysis phosphorus␣bottles plasmaspheric␣hiss polyphosphoesters pseudoscholarship pseudo-scholarship pseudothelphusids schistochilaceous Schleswig-Holstein schoolgirlishness schoolmarmishness schoolmasterishly schools␣of␣thoughts senior␣high␣schools Shasta␣ground␣sloth Sherlock␣Holmesish Shetland␣sheepdogs shorthorn␣sculpins sloshed␣to␣the␣gills South␣San␣Jose␣Hills stand␣shilly-shally sulphophosphorous thalassotherapies thalassotherapist that␣ship␣has␣sailed thumbs␣on␣the␣scales Winchester␣bushels
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 66 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 1 word
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- Dutch Wiktionary: 10 words
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