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There are 85 twelve-letter words containing H, 2I, S, 2T and Yahistoricity antihysteric biosynthetic birthday-suit birthday␣suit Blyth's␣pipits chastity␣ring Christianity cystathionin cystignathid dyothelitism eighty-fifths eighty-firsts eighty-ninths eighty-sixths eighty-thirds epityphlitis exhaustivity fifth-day␣fits fifty-eighths hairstylists hair␣stylists Hayti␣Heights hesitatingly hesitatively histiocytoid histiocytoma histocytosis hit-by-pitches hydriatrists hylotheistic hyponitrites ichthyolites ichthyoliths infinity␣shot lithophytics mythistories mythizations ninety-fifths ninety-ninths ninety-sixths ninety-thirds nonhostility phyleticists physiatrists physitheists phytobiotics polytheistic poly-theistic prehostility psychiatrist rhytidosteid schistocytic shitty␣sticks sightability sit-by-the-fire sixty-eighter sixty-eighths sky's-the-limit soothability stichomythia stichomythic stoichimetry subethnicity synthemistid synthetic␣air synthetic␣ice syntheticism syntheticity synthetising synthetistic synthetizing thalistyline theistically the␣reality␣is thiocysteine thiocytosine thioesterify thirty-fifths thirty-firsts thirty-ninths thirty-sixths thirty-thirds tyrothricins white␣pyrites
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 22 words
- French Wiktionary: 36 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 10 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: no word
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