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There are 80 thirteen-letter words containing H, M, P, 2S, T and Yatomic␣physics charity␣stamps chymotrypsins cryptorchisms cytomorphosis emphysematous escape␣rhythms esophagostomy gymnosophists hydrotropisms hylomorphists hyperstimulus hypostomatous hypotelorisms lymphocytoses lymphocytosis lymphologists lymphomatoses lymphomatosis metadiaphyses metadiaphysis metaepiphysis metaphysicist metapsychists metapsychosis metempsychose mishyphenates misphenotypes monophysitism monophysitist myelophthisis myotherapists mysteriosophy nymphologists paymastership phyllostomids physiochemist physiocratism physiognomist physostigmine phytochemists phytosemiosis playmateships play␣the␣system polychromists psychochemist psychometrics psychometries psychometrist psychosomatic psychoticisms psychotraumas psychotropism psychrometers psychrometres scyphistomata seismotherapy semiepiphytes semipsychotic somatopsychic sphygmometers spits␣the␣dummy staphylotomes subhypostomal sycophantisms sympathoblast sympatholysis sympathy␣cards symphoniettes symphronistic symphyseotomy symphysiotomy synanthropism syndesmophyte system␣on␣a␣chip thermophysics thermosyphons thymopoieisis vestrymanship yachtsmanship
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 30 words
- French Wiktionary: 74 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: 1 word
- German Wiktionary: 35 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 7 words
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