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There are 167 thirteen-letter words containing H, P, R, 2S and 2Tacroposthitis apartheidists apothecarists aristophagist Aristophanist arthroscopist astrapotheres attorneyships australopiths Australopiths autographists biotherapists blepharostats cartophilists catastrophies catastrophins catastrophise catastrophism catastrophist charity␣stamps chiropterists chopstick␣rest comp.theorists cowtastrophes cow-tastrophes creepshotters dictatorships dystrochrepts ecotherapists ex-stepfathers ex-stepmothers fetish␣priests gastropathies gastrophilist guttersnipish hairsplitters hair-splitters heartstoppers heelsplitters heterotopisms hip␣thrust␣pads histiopterids histiotropism histotrophism hit␣one's␣straps hydropathists hypertostosis hypertwistors hysterophytes hysteroplasty Irish␣potatoes light␣trespass lithotripsies mesotherapist metamorphists misanthropist mouth␣harpists myotherapists neuropathists orchestra␣pits orthopaedists orthophonists orthopterists osteotrophism ostreophagist Parthian␣shots patriarchists Patriarchists peasant␣shirts pedotrophists peel␣strengths pelvic␣thrusts pentastarches petrochemists phalansterist photometrists photorealists photoresistor photostatters photostressed phototropisms physiocratist phytosteroids Pictish␣towers Pittsburghers Pittsburghese pocket␣T-shirts postal␣history postanarchist post-anarchist posthistories potato␣chasers potato-mashers potato␣mashers potter's␣asthma potter's␣wheels prostheticist prosthologist Protestantish protochemists protothecosis psychiatrists psychometrist pyrotechnists rip,␣shit␣or␣bust scattergraphs scratchplates scratch␣prints serotherapist Serpent's␣Mouth sex␣therapists shatterproofs shawl␣patterns short␣position shutterspeeds shutter␣speeds sophisticator spaghetteries spatterdashed spatterdasher spatterdashes spear␣thistles spectatorship spits␣feathers spots␣of␣bother stathmographs stenographist stepdaughters St.␣Petersburgh straight-pipes straight-pulls straight␣pulls stratospheres stratospheric streptophytes strophanthins subprosthetic superathletes superstraight super-straight super␣straight superstrength telegraphists tersulphurets therapeutists thermal␣pastes third-campists thyroplasties topographists transhipments transport␣ship transshipment triphosphates trisphosphate triumphalists trumpetfishes trumpet␣shells Turcophobists Turkophobists twist␣morphism typographists urotherapists wears␣the␣pants weatherstrips weather␣strips X␣marks␣the␣spot zootherapists
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 48 words
- French Wiktionary: 104 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 131 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 27 words
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