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There are 119 fourteen-letter words containing H, I, R, 2S, T and Was␣the␣crow␣flies big␣red␣switches brackishwaters brackish␣waters businessworthy came␣across␣with carcass␣weights Christcross-row Christ-cross-row come␣across␣with crossbar␣switch cruiserweights dearworthiness Devonshire␣stew dimmer␣switches dirt␣sandwiches discus␣throwers dishwasher␣salt drains␣the␣swamp fireworthiness fuckworthiness gather␣one's␣wits growth␣mindsets Hawaiian␣shirts headwaitresses Hitler's␣buzzsaw Hollingsworths Isle␣of␣Wighters jarosewichites Killingsworths letter␣of␣wishes love-worthiness new␣historicism newsworthiness noteworthiness paper␣townships pressure␣switch rise␣with␣the␣sun roadworthiness rotary␣switches sailworthiness Sathmar␣Swabian Satterthwaites scutching␣sword shadowgraphist shadow␣minister shawl␣materials Sherman's␣bow␣tie shillingsworth shillingworths shoot␣wrestling shower␣curtains sixpennyworths slap␣on␣the␣wrist snowshoe␣rabbit South␣Brunswick spaghetti␣worms sportswatching stage-whispered stage␣whispered state␣ownership steering␣wheels Stillson␣wrench straight␣arrows straightwashed straightwashes Strowger␣switch Swedish␣bitters Swedish␣torches Swedish␣turnips sweetheartship sweet␣horsemint sweet␣thirteens swimming␣shorts swim␣with␣sharks swings␣at␣anchor switch␣pitchers testworthiness thermoswitches Third-Worldists throwing␣shapes throwing␣sticks trustworthiest Turing␣switches twist␣morphisms unworthinesses War␣on␣Christmas Warthin's␣tumors watering␣houses water␣sapphires watertightness weight␣measures Westchesterite West␣Lancashire what's␣yer␣poison whisker␣biscuit Whisker␣Biscuit whistleberries whistleblowers whistle-blowers whistling␣hares white␣Christmas whitefisheries white␣sapphires white␣saviorism white-shoe␣firms white␣steenbras White's␣thrushes Wilhelmstrasse Winchester␣disk winter␣squashes withdrawalists wohlfahrtiosis wood␣horsetails Worcestershire words␣to␣the␣wise Wordsworthians worthwhileness Wrigglesworths
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 18 words
- French Wiktionary: 33 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 270 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 13 words
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