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There are 15 sixteen-letter words containing H, I, 2O, 2U and Yautoluminography can␣I␣use␣your␣phone fountains␣of␣youth Haliburton␣County how␣much␣do␣I␣owe␣you Huntingdon␣County Huntington␣County Hutchinson␣County hypermucoviscous hypofluorous␣acid makuuchi␣dohyo-iri quasisynchronous shove␣it␣up␣your␣ass subdichotomously what␣would␣you␣like 17 definitions found- autoluminography — n. (Photography) The production of an image by placing a light-emitting…
- can␣I␣use␣your␣phone — phr. Indicates that the speaker wants to communicate with someone…
- fountains␣of␣youth — n. Plural of fountain of youth.
- Haliburton␣County — prop.n. A county of Ontario, Canada.
- how␣much␣do␣I␣owe␣you — phr. Asking how much money is to be paid for products or services.
- Huntingdon␣County — prop.n. One of 67 counties in Pennsylvania, United States. County…
- Huntington␣County — prop.n. A county of Indiana, United States. County seat: Huntington…
- Hutchinson␣County — prop.n. One of 66 counties in South Dakota, United States. County… — prop.n. One of 254 counties in Texas, United States. County seat…
- hypermucoviscous — adj. (Medicine) Having a high mucoviscosity.
- hypofluorous␣acid — n. (Chemistry) the oxyacid of fluorine, HOF; a short-lived species…
- makuuchi␣dohyo-iri — n. (Sumo) A group ring-entering ceremony performed by all members…
- quasisynchronous — adj. Describing asynchronous communication that is almost indistinguishable…
- shove␣it␣up␣your␣ass — v. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see shove, ass. — v. (Idiomatic, colloquial, vulgar, imperative) An exclamation…
- subdichotomously — adv. In a subdichotomous manner.
- what␣would␣you␣like — phr. Used to ask the interlocutor what they would like to order…
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