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There are 45 seventeen-letter words containing H, O, P, 2S and 2Ubrush-tailed␣possum chucks␣up␣the␣sponge cloudless␣sulphurs desulphurications desulphurisations desulphurizations esophagocutaneous herpetoculturists Hot␣Sulphur␣Springs houses␣of␣ill␣repute Hurstbourne␣Priors hyperscrupulosity hyposulfurous␣acid jumps␣through␣hoops keep␣one's␣mouth␣shut kept␣one's␣mouth␣shut laugh␣up␣one's␣sleeve Louisiana␣Purchase muscular␣dystrophy parasaurolophuses philosophunculist photosubstitution ploughman's␣lunches ploughmen's␣lunches potassium␣sulphate potassium␣sulphite pours␣one's␣heart␣out pours␣out␣one's␣heart pseudohomosexuals pseudosynchronous pseudothelphusids quantum␣biophysics scrophulariaceous shoved␣it␣up␣your␣ass shoves␣it␣up␣your␣ass Southern␣Europeans spurious␣diphthong sulphophosphorous sulphur␣impression superdreadnoughts super-dreadnoughts transsulphuration turbosupercharges Tuscan␣porterhouse what's␣your␣pleasure
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: no word
- French Wiktionary: 63 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 31 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 3 words
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