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There are 19 words containing 2H, N, O, 2W and YDewey,␣Cheatem␣and␣Howe do␣what␣I␣say,␣not␣what␣I␣do have␣one's␣way␣with have␣one's␣wicked␣way␣with highwaywoman highwaywomen know␣which␣way␣is␣up not␣know␣which␣way␣to␣turn Shipton-under-Wychwood the␣house␣always␣wins watching␣the␣world␣go␣by went␣the␣way␣of␣the␣dodo went␣the␣way␣of␣the␣Dodo why␣and␣wherefore why␣in␣the␣world whys␣and␣wherefores will-they-won't-they wouldn't␣touch␣with␣yours you␣know␣what␣they␣say 21 definitions found- Dewey,␣Cheatem␣and␣Howe — prop.n. (US, derogatory) A generic name for a law firm, or occasionally…
- do␣what␣I␣say,␣not␣what␣I␣do — v. Alternative form of do as I say and not as I do.
- have␣one's␣way␣with — v. (Idiomatic, euphemistic) To engage (as the more active or dominant…
- have␣one's␣wicked␣way␣with — v. Synonym of have one’s way with (“have sexual intercourse with”).
- highwaywoman — n. The female equivalent of a highwayman.
- highwaywomen — n. Plural of highwaywoman.
- know␣which␣way␣is␣up — v. Alternative form of know which end is up.
- not␣know␣which␣way␣to␣turn — v. To be confused about how to handle a situation.
- Shipton-under-Wychwood — prop.n. A village and civil parish in West Oxfordshire district…
- the␣house␣always␣wins — prov. In a casino, all gambling is designed so that the house… — prov. (By extension) Any economic system is designed to net a…
- watching␣the␣world␣go␣by — v. Present participle of watch the world go by.
- went␣the␣way␣of␣the␣dodo — v. Simple past tense of go the way of the dodo.
- went␣the␣way␣of␣the␣Dodo — v. Simple past tense of go the way of the Dodo.
- why␣and␣wherefore — n. (Set phrase, often pluralized) A full and complete explanation.
- why␣in␣the␣world — interj. (Idiomatic) used to add emphasis to “why” in a question.
- whys␣and␣wherefores — n. (Set phrase) The reasons or motivations for a fact, action…
- will-they-won't-they — adj. Of or pertaining to a potential coupling between two people… — adj. (By extension) Of or pertaining to any situation in which…
- wouldn't␣touch␣with␣yours — v. (Slang, transitive) To not find (someone) sexually attractive;…
- you␣know␣what␣they␣say — phr. Used to introduce, or alluding to, an apt adage.
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