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There are 128 eleven-letter words containing I, P, Y and Zbipyrazoles booby␣prizes crazy␣paving cryptozoite dehypnotize dephytinize diazotrophy diphyozooid dysphemized dysphemizes Egyptianize epiphytized epizoically epizoochory eponymizing hyperbolize hyperemized hyphenizing hypnotizees hypnotizers hypnotizing hypnozoites hypostasize hypostatize hypothesize hypothetize hypotonized imazethapyr Kopczynskis lazy␣painter lazy␣pinions lyophilized lyophilizer lyophilizes lyophylized maize␣syrups myopization panegyrized panegyrizer panegyrizes pericyazine phagocytize phenyl␣azide photolyzing phrenziedly physicalize Pieczynskis piezoglypts pinocytized pinocytizes pinyinizing Pinyinizing piperazinyl pizzly␣bears platypezids polygamized polygamizes polygonized polygonizes polymerized polymerizer polymerizes polytenized polytheized polytheizes polythiazyl polyzoarial polyzoaries polyzoarium polyzygotic porphyrized porphyrizes postzygotic poz␣friendly predialyzed prize␣moneys prizeworthy propyzamide proselytize protolyzing Przemyslids Przybylskis pymetrozine pyramidized pyramidizes pyrazinoate pyrazinones pyrazolines pyridazines pyridylazos pyrolizable pyrrolizine pythagorize Pythagorize rehypnotize rhizophytes rhizophytic sapromyzids schizophony schizophyte schizotypal schizotypes schizotypic stargazy␣pie sympathized sympathizer sympathizes symphonized symphonizes symptomized symptomizes syncopizing synopsizing syphilizing trypsinized trypsinizes tympanizing typhization unhypnotize zeophyllite zincography zoophysical zoophytical zygomorphic zygopleurid zymographic zymoplastic zythophiles
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 41 words
- French Wiktionary: 162 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: 2 words
- Italian Wiktionary: 1 word
- German Wiktionary: 10 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: no word
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