List of 11-letter words containing •••• Rapid Mode Edit List Click to add a sixth letter
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There are 71 eleven-letter words containing I, O, 2P and Vappositives approbative approvingly approvision disapproval disapproved disapprover disapproves floppy␣drive improve␣upon oppilatives oppositives overapplied overapplies overclipped overlapping overnapping overpumping overskipped overslipped oversupping overtipping overtopping overtripped overwhipped ovitrapping papovaviral papovavirus parvipotent pelviscopic pickup␣cover piggy␣move␣up pivot␣points pivoxazepam pluviograph pluviophile pluvioscope Poplarville pop␣shove-its pospiviroid postpreview prepositive prevail␣upon private␣shop privatopian privatopias proadaptive propagative propiverine propositive proprietive prospective provostship purposively purposivism purposivist purposivity reapproving rotavapping rotovapping spinopelvic stovepiping suppositive supposively unapproving unpurposive vasopeptide velvet␣hippo viopurpurin wapping␣cove whipped␣vote
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