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There are 99 thirteen-letter words containing I, 2R, U and WAchuar-Shiwiar aerial␣runways backfurrowing brigalow␣scrub Brunswick␣star burrowing␣bugs burrowing␣owls chequewriters crowdsourcing cruiserweight discus␣thrower Eurasian␣wrens flowering␣rush fugie␣warrants hurricane␣bows I␣just␣work␣here lower␣quartile lumpia␣wrapper measuring␣worm mercury␣switch muffin␣worries murder␣will␣out nuclear␣winter pied␣currawong pour-over␣wills power␣failures pressure␣wires purple␣airways quarreled␣with quartersawing quarter␣sawing quarter␣waiter quarter-witted rainbow␣quartz rainbow␣runner rainbow␣trouts residual␣power rewarehousing run␣around␣with runaway␣brides running␣powers semiburrowing shower␣curtain squirrel␣wheel sun-worshipers sun␣worshipers sun-worshipper sun␣worshipper superpowering supertwisters supertwistors superwarfarin surfeit␣waters sweet␣bursaria trustworthier trustworthily undercrowding underdrawings underpowering underthrowing underwatering underwaterish underworkings underwrapping underwritings unprintworthy unrewardingly unsparrowlike unworriedness unwritten␣rule urban-renewing urban␣renewing urban␣warriors uroflowmetric Warrick␣County Warthin's␣tumor water␣purifier water␣turbines wereporcupine whitecurrants white-currants white␣currants white␣mulberry white␣turmeric whoring␣around wild␣blueberry wild␣Syrian␣rue windsurf␣board winterbournes working␣around working␣groups worldbuilders world␣pictures writethroughs write-throughs writ␣of␣inquiry wrongful␣birth wuchereriasis Wurtz␣reaction
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 15 words
- French Wiktionary: 48 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: no word
- German Wiktionary: 332 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 68 words
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