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There are 22 seventeen-letter words containing I, O, 2R and 2WArrow␣with␣Weethley Bryning-with-Warton button␣wrinklewort common␣brown␣earwig even␣a␣worm␣will␣turn fire␣tower␣stairway got␣away␣with␣murder lines␣drawn␣on␣water narrow-width␣effect New␣World␣blackbird New␣World␣porcupine North␣Warwickshire Okarito␣brown␣kiwis plain␣brown␣wrapper rosebay␣willowherb soldier's␣woundwort throwing␣a␣wrench␣in white-collar␣worker widow␣foreclosures Wordsworthianisms word␣to␣conjure␣with write␣for␣the␣drawer 25 definitions found- Arrow␣with␣Weethley — prop.n. A civil parish in Stratford-on-Avon district, Warwickshire, England.
- Bryning-with-Warton — prop.n. A civil parish in Fylde borough, Lancashire, England.
- button␣wrinklewort — n. The plant Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides.
- common␣brown␣earwig — n. A species of earwig, Labidura truncata, native to Australia.
- even␣a␣worm␣will␣turn — prov. Even the meekest or most docile people will retaliate or…
- fire␣tower␣stairway — n. In a high building, a stairway protected by several inches…
- got␣away␣with␣murder — v. Simple past tense of get away with murder. — v. Past participle of get away with murder.
- lines␣drawn␣on␣water — n. Plural of line drawn on water.
- narrow-width␣effect — n. (Physics) An anomalous threshold voltage behavior of certain…
- New␣World␣blackbird — n. Certain blackbirds found in the New World that constitute the…
- New␣World␣porcupine — n. Any of the large, arboreal, spiny-furred rodents of the family…
- North␣Warwickshire — prop.n. A local government district with borough status of Warwickshire…
- Okarito␣brown␣kiwis — n. Plural of Okarito brown kiwi.
- plain␣brown␣wrapper — n. An obscuring cover or wrapper, originally to allow postal delivery… — n. (By extension) Any veil, disguise, or mask. — n. (By extension) An act of dissimulation, camouflage; a cover-up.
- rosebay␣willowherb — n. (British English) Chamerion angustifolium.
- soldier's␣woundwort — n. Achillea millefolium or common yarrow, a flowering plant widespread…
- throwing␣a␣wrench␣in — v. Present participle of throw a wrench in.
- white-collar␣worker — n. A salaried professional or clerical worker.
- widow␣foreclosures — n. Plural of widow foreclosure.
- Wordsworthianisms — n. Plural of Wordsworthianism.
- word␣to␣conjure␣with — n. Any word that gives the impression of something important or exciting.
- write␣for␣the␣drawer — v. To write a work for posterity and/or friends that one cannot…
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