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There are 175 nine-letter words containing I, K, O, R, S and Tacrostick Antikeros asks␣for␣it assyrtiko asterikos autoricks Bartosiks Bartowski biotracks Brigstock brookites cornstick croakiest dog's␣trick dog␣tricks dortokids Ekronites esoterick Fiskerton foreskirt forestick forklifts forktails forthinks frostlike gyrokites historick hoopskirt hoop␣skirt instrokes Kastorian katashiro kati␣rolls keratosic keratosis kerolites kerotakis ketosuria Kharosthi kilostere kilotorrs kirk-towns knitworks koesister kokoretsi Kooistras Koranists Koranites Koreshite kosnarite Kotarskis Kristoffs Kroatians kryolites lickports lorikeets microtask midstroke milkworts nitrokegs nonstrike non-strike oikocryst one-tricks Ostrowski otterskin outdrinks outshriek outskirts outstrike outtricks overskirt ozarkites Ozarkites ozokerits periaktos Petroskis Petrowski pinkroots Podritske politruks Porkistan propstick pro␣skirts quicksort restoking Ricketson rook␣lifts Rutkowski shiftwork shift␣work silo␣truck skiatrons ski␣patrol Skipworth ski-resort ski␣resort skorodite smithwork snowkiter sockprint soft␣drink sooterkin splitwork sportbike sport␣bike sportlike stairwork stickfrog stick-frog stick␣frog stickwork stinkaroo stinkeroo stinkhorn stinkwort stockgirl Stokerian Stolarski storelike stork␣bite storklike storkling storkwise stormlike storylike strikeoff strike␣off strike␣oil strikeout strike-out strike␣out stroaking strokings Tarnovski Tarnowski tiki-tours tiki␣tours Tiki␣tours Tiki␣Tours TikTokers TikTok-ers tileworks Timbrooks tofurkies Tokarskis tokeniser tollikers took␣a␣risk torsolike triblocks trickshot trick␣shot tricksome tricks␣out tripcocks trochisks Trotskian Trotzkism tsourekia turkoises Turowskis Wickstrom Wikstroms Wittrocks workerist worklists work␣shift workshirt worksites worktimes work␣units wristlock wristwork yakitoris
See this list for:- Scrabble in English: 48 words
- French Wiktionary: 54 words
- Spanish Wiktionary: no word
- Italian Wiktionary: 1 word
- German Wiktionary: 80 words
- Portuguese Wiktionary: no word
- Dutch Wiktionary: 45 words
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