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There are 265 fourteen-letter words containing I, O, 2R and 3S(page 2) sarrusophonist saurosphargids scatter-stories scissor␣crosses scissors␣crises scissors␣crisis scissor␣sisters scouring␣rushes scurrilousness seaside␣resorts seismographers semiprosperous serodisclosure seroresistance seroresponsive seroreversions serotherapists service␣courses servicepersons sister␣minoress Sister␣Minoress sleep␣disorders slender␣lorises software␣crisis Spanish␣sparrow spirostreptids spokescritters sporotrichoses sporotrichosis sportfisheries Springspotters starboardsides starter␣pistols starter's␣pistol staurosporines stereoisoforms strepsipterous streptogrisins subderisorious subfranchisors sunrise␣periods sun-worshippers sun␣worshippers supergressions superimposures superior␣leases superorganisms super␣organisms supervirtuosos supervisorship suppressio␣veri supraorganisms surrogateships survivor␣biases systolic␣arrays train␣crossings traitorousness transgressions transistorised transistorises transistorizes transistorless transitoriness transmorphisms transport␣ships transpressions trauma␣scissors trichosporosis undercrossings uproariousness vasoregression vasoregressive viscerosensory window␣dressers workmistresses works␣in␣process younger␣sisters zebra␣crossings Pages: 1 2
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